Everyone Active Customer service

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Reviews for: Everyone Active Customer service (1)


1 of 10

2019-04-14 10:39

alan holley

I am writing regarding lack of staff at the Becontree Heath Leisure Centre Dagenham Essex As a member of this centre and user of the gym, I wish to complain about the lack, or rather non existence of staff in the gym on Saturday afternoons Two weeks ago I was in the gym and as there were no staff on duty people were just leaning over the desk and letting themselves in through the wheelchair access gate. There were also disabled people using the gym on this day. I reported this to the front desk upon leaving and was told she would pass the information on. I revisited the gym yesterday 13/04/2019 and what has changes. Well for a start the front wheelchair access gate to the centre was open so I along with others just walked through without being checked and went up to the gym and once more the access gate was locked open and there were no staff on duty so once more , non payers could just walk on in. At one stage a group or 9 or 10 year olds came in and started messing about on the equipment running and falling spoiling my workout experience but with no staff to stop them what did they care. I take offence that I along with many others pay good money to use the facilities whilst seeing others blatantly enter the centre with no intention of paying and no staff taking any notice. If things have not improved the next time I visit the centre then I shall cancel my membership but still use the centre by becoming a freeloader myself and just let myself in. When the centre was operated by LBBD there was always staff on duty in the gym so it is definitely a management decision to remove them. These are only my observations on the days that I visit so I can't comment on staffing levels on a Sunday for example I also feel that operating a gymnasium without any staff present would be in breach of the HSE guidelines and I shall inform them of my observations if things are not resolved. I have also mentioned to the front desk about taps not working properly in the gents toilets, only one works in the gym toilet and no taps work at all in the swimming pool toilet and I was told that they are waiting for spare parts. It is two years since I first mentioned this issue and you have built a brand new swimming pool in that time I feel that you really need to take a look at the management of this centre as they are clearly not up to the job

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