British Gas Customer service
Find information about British Gas Customer service. It's easy to find phone numbers, opening hours and reviews for British Gas customer service and support.
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 6pm
More info about
British Gas is an energy service provider in the United Kingdom. The company provides gas and
electricity to twelve million homes in the UK and is the biggest energy supplier in the UK. The
company also services boilers and provides central heating as well as, plumbing and renewable energy
services. Additionally, the company services home appliances.
The company does not, however, manage towers and cables that distribute electricity. Instead, these are
maintained by distribution network operators in the various regions. If you have a power outage it is
necessary that you contact the appropriate distribution network operator in your area rather than the
energy supplier.
British Gas customer service
To get emergency help with a gas leak, for example, you can call 0800 111 999. For more general help,
however, you will be directed to a fill in an online form where you can describe your needs. You can
also directly contact British Gas by email at [email protected]. On the customer
service British Gas website you
can also book an engineer if you have a more specific problem. Typically engineers are used to fix
broken fault lines in homes.
To get the quickest, most adequate help, it is necessary that you log in with your account information
on the British Gas website. To do this you will need your email address and your password.
After you’ve logged in you have the option of submitting meter readings, viewing and paying bills,
comparing energy usage, and as mentioned earlier booking an engineer.
The website also offers live chatting. If you have an urgent problem, live chatting with a professional
from the company may be your quickest option.
On the company’s main webpage there is a tab called
“help and advice”. Clicking this will lead you to a search bar and possible problem solving
departments. This is to help customers narrow down their specific problem.
Here customers can also request a change of address, making moving much easier.
The company also has a list of department phone numbers to call for help. Under the “contact
us” tab, there is a link for contact telephone numbers. There customers can choose which department to
call for help. The call center is open Monday through Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday from 8am to
6pm. The calls are free for BT customers.
Most customers seem to be really happy with the customer service that they’ve received from British
Gas. After a simple search it shows that it is highly rated by customers for speedy and helpful customer
service. It is also surprising to note that when customers post a complaint online the company normally
responds with an apology.
To find out more or to get in contact go to the company’s customer help page.
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